Thursday, January 08, 2009

Get your own niche in Cyberspace

Statistics show a drastic increase in the number of web users in the past few years. In Sri Lanka especially, with the increasing access to ADSL, internet uses have increased massively. This only makes it even more compelling for every individual to make his or her presence felt in the World Wide Web. Today, a person without an email address is like a person without a name. And if you do not have your own website it is almost like not having a home.

What is the need for one’s own personal website?

If you are a professional you will hardly spend time talking about yourself to colleagues and clients. It is also bad ethics to advertise yourself by yourself.  What you do normally is to hand over a business card with your qualifications etc.

Still better is to hand over a business card with your website address that can provide the all the required information, photographs, your recent achievements etc. Your personal website just can say it all.

Apart from the usual sharing of photographs and other personal or professional information you could also provide additional services and benefits to your clients such as facilitating them to make appointments with you online by having a schedule planner. Not only does it add value to yourself as a professional but also creates openings to you all over the world.

Potential employers would prefer to look at what is in your site before calling you up for an interview.

What is keeping us from going ahead and getting one? Mostly it is the fear of technology. It does not take a space scientist with extra-ordinary skills to create a simple website for you. Today there are so many “do it yourself” tools available that can turn anyone into a fantastic web designer. If at all there be a problem, the job can easily be outsourced to web companies for a minimal fee. We at specialise in this field and will be more than happy to take care of developing, hosting and maintaining your own personal website

Further information is only a click away. Please visit It may be the most profitable click in your lifetime. is a total web solution provider whose mission is to simply untangle the web for you!

We look forward to serving you in the near future.


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